Dragon Con Panels 2024

Hey everyone! I'm on two panels this year at Dragon Con 2024.

Intro to LEDs

On Friday at 7pm, I will be giving my Intro to LEDs panel! This will be in the Hilton room 302 - 305. In my Intro to LEDs panel, I will be covering eveyrthing you need to get started with animated LEDs for cosplay. I will have soldering tools lists and specific LED shopping lists. I am also going to share circuit diagrams relevant to cospaly and share electronics projects safety recommendations along. I am delighted to have hands on examples to pass around so you can see a circuit setup for Cosplay props and project builds.

Yes, this will be a similar panel as I gave at Cosplay America 2024 and Fan Expo Dallas 2024. So if you happened to come to my cosplay LED panel this summer then you are up to date. However, if you want an LED refresher or if you have some questions about your specific cosplay idea that you want to add animated LEDs to, then come on back! I'd love to see you and a refresher on LEDs might be just what you need to inspire motivation on your next cosplay build!

Resin Casting Demo

Then on Saturday at 7pm, I am joining the amazing Eldritch Arts and Sunlight of Astora to do a Resin Casting Demo! This resin casting demonstration will be in the same room as my Intro to LED panel - Hilton 302-305.

We will be using different fast cure resins, showing off some molds, and hosting discussion about resin projects. Resin is incredibly versitile. There’s a type of resin for almost every cosplay crafting application imaginable. In this panel, we will have plenty of time for disucssion and QA with the audience, so come with any of your resin casting questions! Eldrich Arts and Sunlight of Astora are resin experts, so I know I will be learning from them too as I demo some UV resin applicaions for cosplay.

I am delighted to be a panelist at DragonCon 2024 and I am looking forward to seeing you all there!


Commission Requests Open December 1st, 2024


Cosplay LEDs: Panel Recap Video