Comicpalooza 2024: Cosplay LEDs Panelist

Howdy Texas friends!

This Memorial Day weekend in 2024, I will be attending Comicpalooza in Houston. The dates of the convention are May 24th through May 26, 2024.

I will be giving my LED panel all about adding lights and electronics to props and costumes on Friday evening!

The event is held in Room 350C on Friday May 24, at 7:30pm

  • Title Cosplay LEDs: Illumination for Costume and Props by Kaylee Makes Crafts

  • Description: “This panel will be extremely practical and geared towards beginning and intermediate electronics enthusiasts. Specifics will include example circuit design and getting started with animated LEDs. Other tips will include safety, soldering, flux, heat shrink, and supply lists. There will be time for Q and A and lots of links to reference materials and guides.”

Please join me there, I’d love to see you! We can talk shop and be inspired together about cosplay LEDs. I’d love to help talk through questions or ideas.

To find this info, head over to the Comicpalooza schedule, and search for “LED.” This will pull up my cosplay LED panel so you can add it to your schedule in the Comicpalooza App.

I have had confirmation from the team running Comicpalooza 2024 that we are good to go! Despite the widespread power outages and damage from the storms in Houston, Texas during May 2024, the convention team is adjusting with great flexibility to make sure that Comicpalooza is still on!

Cosplay Panelist Kaylee Makes Crafts LED Compicpalooza 2024