Shopping List: PropMaker Wing and Feather M4

I am delighted to share Kamui Cosplay’s updated book called, “The Book of Cosplay Light and Sound Effects.” How I wish this was around when I started with LEDs!

However, I wanted to share some direct links to the products I ordered from AdaFruit to help make shopping for supplies a bit easier.

In my order to follow along with Kamui Cosplay’s book, I ordered the following supplies for my cosplay electronics build:

I hope that shopping list is helpful for your cosplay electronics builds. It was a bit tricky figuring out which products were needed, but this was a great start for me to learn about the PropMaker Wing and Feather M4.

Happy cosplaying my friends!

Supplies for PropMaker Wing and Feather M4 cosplay design from Kamui Cosplay
Kaylee Godley