Computer Problems and Cosplay

computer problems fixed

I started having computer problems a few months ago. I’d be working along, and then my computer would freeze for no apparent reason. And it wouldn’t recover.

I had to do hard re-starts, much to my chagrin, to get the thing purring again. Turns out a couple of my hard drives were SUPER old. Like 10 years old. HA!

My lovely resident tech guru was able to get the faulty drives replaced and setup the redundancy again. I had everything backed up anyway, so we didn’t lose any data, but with my PC out of commission it has been tricky to keep up with my posts and blogs like I intended to.

Here’s some things I did to compensate while navigating the computer problems:

  • I re-downloaded the patterns I had bought recently so I could start on making some stuff. My advice is to make sure you can download purchased digital assets multiple times. That way, if you do loose access to your first copy, you can recover.

  • I had to shuffle some of my plans for posting on social media, and skipped around to more current tasks, rather than later-grams.

  • Content creation was still happening since I was still crafting, but I have a backlog of editing now. I prefer to edit my content as I go, because I tend to forget what I was doing as the days go by. Once something is more than a week past, I know I must be leaving out cosplay crafting details. But I’ll do my best to think through the steps, but it’s hard to not second guess myself.

  • I tried to be patient. The computer repair process took a few weeks between life and jobs and waiting 48 hours for a complete image to install on the new hard drives. (Still not sure why that took so long, but it worked!)

Alright that’s some update with me. Now that my main computer is kicking again, I’ve got to chug out some updates!!!

Kaylee Godley