Construction Delays Part 2: Saying Yes, Sometimes

Construction Delays Part 2: Saying Yes, Sometimes

Stuffed animal duck says keep going with cosplay crafting

It might seem obvious, but life happens. Life takes precedence over my grand dreams where I craft all day long every day. That’s not my reality at all.

Right now, crafting goals are secondary to the tides of every-day life. And week by week, the intensity of my schedule changes. I must remind myself that this flux is normal. Some weeks I have more crafting time, some weeks (or seasons) need more love.

For me, cosplay costume crafting time is icing on the cake. It’s a luxury for me to have bandwidth to make a hugely complicated cosplay costume. At the same time, it’s not a guarantee that I’ll get to sew every day, or every month for that matter. Here are some things that work for me:

  • I simplify my household. For example, I cook several simple meals all on one day, so I can focus on other projects on other days of the week. I like to find ways to learn to be efficient in this way.

  • Less Busy: My family does not have activities every single day of the week. We build in undefined time on purpose. This allowed us to do yard work and play in the rain this past weekend for almost two hours! We were soaked, and it was fun!

  • When I’m working, I’m working. And when I’m not, I’m unplugged from my job. I have so much more stamina and because I’m not grinding myself to dust all the time. Just during business hours, haha!

Lastly, I’ve learned to say “no” because of multiple burn out experiences in the past. By saying “no,” I can save my best “yes” for the things I need and want to do, and the things that are good for my family.

I said yes to making Sylvie’s cosplay. I think in some ways I am like Loki: I’ve got a Glorious Purpose and I’m excited to share my ferocity and zeal for costume making. Cheers!

Kaylee GodleyCrafts