Loki Sylvie Cosplay: Purpose

Why did I want to make this costume? Well, it was for a good friend Kelli. She was a particularly good friend because she gave me tons of freedom. She paid for the materials and helped choose the fabrics and patterns we used. She even helped with cutting out the pattern pieces and helped with some of the initial sewing and costume construction decisions. Together we decided about larger matters such as which components of the costume to make vs. buy. Kelli also helped decide on smaller details on details like trim placement. Marvelous!

One of the mains goals for Kelli was to have the costume be extremely comfortable to wear. I tried to keep that at the forefront when building this Loki Cosplay.

Bottom line is that she trusted me and that was an honor, but it was also liberating. She knew that was going to learn some new stuff with this and must figure out how to solve some of the problems with wearing this cosplay costume. With a lot of questions, I gave updates along the way as I figured things out and progressed through Sylvie’s Cosplay build.


Building Sylvie (Loki) Cosplay Costume


Construction Delays Part 2: Saying Yes, Sometimes