Sylvie Loki: Making Fabric Bracers for Cosplay Part 1

My cosplay build for Sylvie’s from Marvel’s Loki Series was a fun challenge for me. I got to experiment with a lot of new techniques, especially for the arm bracers. For this cosplay build, I combined a couple mediums - sewn bracers with EVA Foam armor pieces glued on top. This blog post will focus on how I made the pattern for the fabric base for Sylvie’s bracers.

Sylvie’s cosplay was nearly complete at this point, and these bracers had been hanging over my head! I wanted the bracers to fit well, with a guard over the top of the wrist. So to start out, I made a pattern of my arm by wrapping using good old plastic wrap around it first and then covering my arm with Duct Tape.

I drew on the design with a permanent marker, cut my arm out of the duct tape and plastic wrap. Then I things flat and began creating a paper pattern. I used some metal circles (Wafer thin paper cutting Dies from Hero Arts) to get the shapes more even and sized right. Some of the circles are larger, some are smaller, and I was paying attention to the spacing as I went along.

I’m really picky and I wanted the closure to line up perfectly on my forearm, so I spent a lot of time aligning and planning here. After the pattern was made I added seam allowances, and cut out my fabric.

I used half inch seams because I wanted to provide a bit of extra sizing to Sylvie’s bracers for this Loki cosplay, and I’m glad that I did that. I supported this black cotton fabric with iron on interfacing.

Because I’m so crazy about my costumes staying put and looking how I want without me fussing with them, I added boning inside the bracers. I added eyelets and used elastic for lacing as well.

Starting to look lovely!

sylvie arm bracers thumbnail