Tress of the Emerald Sea Cosplay

Serendipity happens sometimes. Because of that, I have a repurposed cosplay to introduce today!

This is Tress of the Emerald Sea! Based on the book by Brandon Sanderson!

This is some of my husband’s Renaissance faire garb. And even though I made it several years ago, I realized that it would be a great for Tress! And although it is not the right size for me, it is perfect for some quick photos to celebrate a brand-new addition to the list of my all-time favorite books.

This costume is really fun because of the swashbuckling coat of course, but the feature that steals the show is the brocade vest. I was careful to mirror the fabric of the vest, so when it’s closed, the pattern is reflected perfectly on the right and left panels. My husband gets a million compliments on this vest, and I am so proud to have made him such a dashing, comfortable costume.

So for Tress, I simply grabbed my favorite cup and clipped some house plant sprigs for my hat!

For general pirate costumes here are some elements that I have included:

  • Tricorn hat - we purchased a leather hat with a wire brim that we bent into a tricorn shape

  • Coat and vest which I made with Simplicity 4923

  • Shirt with puffy sleeves and lacing around neck

  • Scarf around the waist

  • Prop flintlock pistol

  • Brown baggy breeches. The pants I had to do a couple prototypes of, because making pants that were comfortable as well as easy to wear was kind of tricky!

  • Long white socks and brown leather shoes that are comfortable


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