The End of Secrets: Dear Brandon Sanderson

Dear Brandon Sanderson,

I’m sad to say that you threw me into the pit of despair for about twenty four hours. After the Kickstarter, there was a certain buzz worthy social media post, declaring that you were going to reveal yet another secret to the world. And it had such a mysterious, powerfully misty background video. GASP! When I saw it, I was filled with big buckets of dread. I was terrified you were going to announce a Misborn Movie.

And that very well could be imminent as I think you have mentioned it in the State of the Sanderson addresses in the past.

Luckily for me, instead you announced the prolog to Stormlight Five which I was very happy with. Thanks for not destroying my soul.

However, I am still terrified that you are going keep proclaiming all your big news before I get to share mine!!! Here’s announcing my secret project I’ve been working on: Vin’s Mistborn Cosplay! Thanks for the excellent motivation to get my website finished and to get my content written.

I’m not great at writing. I’d rather be sewing. Which reminds me, I have a new secret I am keeping. If I were to do another cosplay, I can only say that the character would probably belong in Cosmere.

As far as other goals go, I am planning on making my way to a Dragonsteel Con in the future and I’ll be sure to come in costume. We will certainly meet there, chat about our favorite desserts, discuss reptiles vs. birds, and I’ll kindly ask, “Pretty please, will you sign my favorite sewing scissors?!?”

Next, thank you for your books. Your stories have inspired me to create and take risks to materialize a slice of Scadrial. Vin’s cosplay also helped me stay sane during the shutdown a few years ago. I was able to work toward something fun and exciting when I needed it.

Lastly, I think that the idea of sub-creation is important here. I made something from something you made. To me, that is part of the magic and joy of world building. Thank you for building your worlds and sharing them with me. It’s been a privilege to coax some of my ideas about your Cosmere into reality.

Many thanks,


Vin Cosplay at Luthadel Spires